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mandis. One of the reasons is that many farmers lack access to mandis. Some states like Bihar have long abolished APMC altogether. By the way, across states, prices that farmers get in mandis are typically below the minimum support prices MSP. MSP is set every season by the central govt. broadly on the following basis: avg cost of production + 50% margin.

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R. 3325 before the House Committee on Expenditures, 79th Cong. , 1st Sess. , 69 1945 emphasis added. And, in one conflict during Comptroller General McCarl's tenure, he asserted his independence of the Executive Branch, stating:".
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The President of the Court acts as the president of the Committee. In the Presidents absence or otherwise at the Presidents request, a Vice President of the Court or, in exceptional circumstances, another member of the Court may act as president of the Committee. 3The other two members of the Committee are appointed by the Court from among the Vice Presidents or the other members of the Court. At each Plenary Session the Court appoints the members who are to attend the meetings of the Committee to be held before the next Plenary Session. 5a The Court shall determine the decisions that may be taken by the Committee. b The decisions of the Committee are taken unanimously. c When the Committee cannot reach a decision or deems it preferable to abstain, it transfers the case to the next Plenary Session, making any suggestions it deems appropriate. d The Committees decisions are brought to the notice of the Court at its next Plenary Session. 6For the purpose of expedited procedures and in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Rules and Article 5 of Appendix I, the Court may exceptionally establish a Committee consisting of one member. Articles 42, 43, 44, 45, subparagraphs b and c, of this Appendix II shall not apply. 1In the Secretary Generals absence or otherwise at the Secretary Generals request, the Deputy Secretary General and/or the General Counsel shall have the authority to refer matters to the Court, confirm arbitrators, certify true copies of awards and request the payment of a provisional advance, respectively provided for in Articles 63, 132, 35 2 and 371 of the Rules, as well as to take the measure provided for in Article 376.
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countries, car ownership is high, and most road us . one quarter had traumatic brain injury and one . speed, the use of alcohol, driver fatigue or restricted visibility. Roads and roadsides should PLATOON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMDocuments/ITS%20WC%20challenges%20of%20platooning%20concept%20and%20modelling%2010%20b. pdf ocuments/ITS%20WC%20challenges%20of%20platooning%20concept%20and%20modelling%2010%20b. pdfThe communication system can be seen as a complex data exchange mechanism within the platoon, to potential platoon vehicles and to the back office. Communication between vehicles is denoted V2V communication. The main task for V2V is communication to control and coordinate the movement of the platoon PUC. Communication between vehicle and BO is denoted V2I communication. Hence the infrastructure refers to the BO. The main tasks for V2I is business and guidance oriented communication, see BUC in the section on platoon definitions.
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Teachers at the New York City elementary school use the PLeR voluntarily; about half of the school's teachers have chosen to use the PLeR. Furthermore, teachers do not use the PLeR uniformly. For example, some teachers record most of their observations during the school day, while others make mental notes of observations which they then transfer to paper after school. Some teachers use the PLeR with only a few students, while others use it with all students in their classrooms, and some teachers make sure they obtain observations on every child each week, while others are less strict with themselves in this respect. The PLeR, as it is used at this elementary school and other New York City schools, is a record of children's activities maintained by and for the child's teacher. Completed PLeR forms are not handed in to any supervisor. Summary. Differences across performance assessments in the level of prescription that is, how loosely or tightly prescribed performance assessments are can have a dramatic impact on the pedagogical usefulness of the assessment system, at least in the short term. The more tightly prescribed the performance assessment system, the less room teachers have to use the assessment in their classrooms in ways that make sense to them pedagogically. Conversely, performance assessment systems that are more loosely prescribed allow teachers the room to adapt assessment tools for use in their classrooms. This thesis is further developed in Chapter 6 of this report.