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Protecting children Many governments, nongovernmental organizations, and members of civil society around the world have increased their attention on homeless and street children as the number of this disenfranchised population continues to grow dramatically. Nonetheless, more action is necessary. Most importantly, as a result of adverse economic conditions in many countries, an international plan to provide basic housing needs to be developed. In 1992, the United Nations issued a Resolution on the Plight of Street Children, expressing concern over the emergence and marginalization of street children, and the acts of violence against them. The Resolution called for international cooperation to address the needs of homeless children and for enforcement of international child rights laws. European nations that have taken effective steps toward combating homelessness include Belgium , Finland , the Netherlands , Portugal , and Spain . In many countries, governments have included a right to housing in the national constitution. The Finnish devised a plan in 1987 including house building, social welfare, health care service, and a duty to provide a decent home for every homeless person. The number of homeless people in Finland was cut in half after 10 years. However, the major problem with State programs is that children often reject the alternative assistance offered by the State. On a local and regional level, initiatives have been taken to assist street children, often through shelters.

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It will be an everlasting monument to this lecturer who they said started with the University in 1948. University of bdn is known for its traditions and academic excellence, and please, this is not to demean the other great Nigerian universities that even most of us UI Alumni would also have been proud to attend, were it not for fate of choice the prodigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka; the ever dynamic University of Lagos; the ever progressive and proud University of Ife, later changed to the great Obafemi Awolowo University; the sparkling and erudite University of Benin; the dynamic Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, that we used to call ABUZ in those days; and then the University of Ilorin, a procreation of the Great UI; as well as the University of Jos, which was formerly University of bdn, Jos Campus. Then came Universities of Port Harcourt and Calabar, of which I know very little. All the above I visited at one time or the other during my days in the 70s, for one reason or the other, either educational, social Kegites Club and parties or even for student agitation. As an bdn man, it was a great honour and pride for me to be admitted to the first university in Nigeria, located in my very own town. My father, himself a great bdn educationist, was filled with joy when in 1975, while at the Polytechnic, bdn another great pioneering higher institution in Nigeria, I received my admission letter to come and read Botany, Zoology and Chemistry at the Preliminary Level, called Prelim, and then to proceed to read Agriculture, specialising in Animal Science. I had to take an examination before I was offered this admission, and apparently, I had passed. I had also taken the Preliminary examinations of UNN and University of Ife, and I was also admitted to UNN, but apparently failed that of Ife, because they never offered me admission. During my four years at the University of bdn, I was taught by great professors and lecturers, mostly Nigerians consisting of bdn indigenes and non indigenes of bdn alike, expatriates of several countries, and I never had any regret. However, my observation, with the benefit of hindsight, is that there were not many bdn lecturers that taught me; however that is not to say there are few bdn professors and lecturers at the University of bdn at the time, because I can only speak of my faculty, the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, which is only one of many faculties at the university, and of course, whose lecturers were unknown to me. The University of bdn, like all Federal universities, has a tradition of appointing the V C, but the person that has the final approval is the Visitor, President/Head of State.
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Understanding. Empathizing. Being a mensch. These are the hallmarks of being both a good Rabbi and an effective Rabbi. When Rabbi Yitzhak Miller set out to use 21st century technology to reach both Jews and people interested in Judaism, the greatest challenge was not the webcams or video conferencing; not how to provide Jewish Education classes or guidance for people exploringConversionto Judaism; not how to provideBar Mitzvah lessons or Bat Mitzvah lessons; not how to be a Rabbi for a wedding or officiate a baby naming ceremony. No, the greatest challenge of being a "CyberRabbi" is how to not only utilize, but to transcend the technology to truly be "in contact. " The old ad used to say "Reach out and touch someone. " That's the goal here: to touch hearts, minds, and souls, not only in person, but by phone, webcam, or video conference and to use every tool available to connect people to eachother. Providing services is easy; connecting with people is not. Rabbi Yitzhak Miller's website contains an array of useful information about Judaism whether someone is looking for a wedding Rabbi or a Rabbi for a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah; whether they're having an interfaith wedding or a Jewish wedding; whether they seek Jewish Education or Spiritual Counseling; whether they want to study Mussar, Jewish Philosophy, Jewish History, or Jewish Theology; whether they have a bris coming up or they're consideringconversion to Judaism. As he says in his introductory video there are two things that are more important than any other piece of information on the website Rabbi Yitzhak Miller's phone number and email address 831 594 YITZ and .