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3. When the consultants subsequently had to deal with a dispute between a client's manufacturing and distribution executives, bringing the opposing parties together was a piece of cake. In the telecom or the computer industry, distributors have replaced a traditional sales force but are now threatened by direct marketing channels, such as phone or the Internet. However the most successful marketing companies do not throw out the baby with the bath water. They know that it takes time and energy to set up, train, motivate and manage a channel. Consequently they try to extract the maximum value of their different channels instead of turning one off, as soon as it is seems to be less effective.

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However, if there is one technique that comes with a tested and proven track record, it's got to be positive reinforcement. With children spending a significant part of their day in a classroom, there can't be a better place to encourage them into behaving well. Teachers can make sure that students understand the importance of good behavior, and as a result, behave well, rather than imposing it on them through rules and regulations. Positive reinforcement is the encouragement that follows good behavior. It is done in order to emphasize the positivity of the action. As a consequence, the person feels encouraged to repeat the positive action that earned the praise in the first place.
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, repetitive postural strain such as that adopted by a dentist or hairdresser or purely psychic e. g. , chronic repressed anger. Reversible amnesia Working in reverse, myofascial release, rebounding and unwinding release the fascial tissue restrictions, thereby altering the habitual muscular response and allowing the positional, reversible amnesia to surface, producing possible emotions and beliefs that can be the cause of the holding patterns. It doesnt have to be complicated. It is actually quite simple to learn or achieve.
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Business Horizons, 601, 113 121. Links to an external site. As we all might know, word of mouth WOM plays a significant role within the business field. Indeed, a popular refrain is mentioned by Merlo et al. 2014, p. 82 that word of mouth is associated with increased customer loyalty. Several studies Matos and Rossi, 2008; Watson et al. , 2015 have also confirmed this by their research on the relation between customer loyalty and WOM. In this paper, the authors went one step further in this aspect, and investigated how the relation between loyalty and WOM is affected by the shift from offline to online communication channels and from traditional, face to face conversations i. e. , in person WOM to online WOMi.
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From the perspective of drivers and road managers, whether the road surface is slippery or not is a primary concern. For this reason, a novel but practical method to detect road slipperiness is proposed in this study. Vehicles have a high risk of skidding during accelerating or decelerating on a slippery pavement. The skidding phenomenon is called wheel slip and can be expressed as 1 One of the practical ways to measure it is to use data from wheel speed and GPS sensors. The wheel slip, the difference between vehicular wheel rotation and transition speeds, on snowy and dry surfaces can be distinctively discerned, as shown in Fig. 1. Pre reading; six months to six years: Thepre reading child has some phonological awareness or sensitivityto speech sounds, rhyming and alliteration; recognizes someletters and may link some to the sounds they make; someunderstanding of books and print. 2. Initial reading or decoding; first andsecond grade: The child who is just beginning to read can soundout words one at a time and decode them slowly, carefully andaccurately. Most of his attention is devoted to decoding with fewmental resources left over for deeper comprehension. 3.