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The other 7 new USA high school records were set by Reggie Wyatt in the 300 hurdles 35. 02, Marquise Goodwin in the long jump 26 10, Mason Finley in the discus 236 06, Curtis Beach in the decathlon 7,466, Shelby Greany in the 2,000 steeplechase 6:33. 7, Toni Young in the high jump 6 04, and Anna Jelmini in the discus 190 03. Last year the two dominant athletes were German Fernandez and Jordan Hasay. Fernandez set new records in the 3,000 and 3,200 and led all comers in the 1,500, 1,600 and mile. Hasay set a new record in the 1,500 and led all comers in the 3,000, 3,200 and 2 mile. This year college recruiters saw more quality athletes emerge. Among of the boys were Andrew Springer who led everyone in the 1,500, 1,600 and mile; Trevor Dunbar who was first in the 3,000 and 2 mile; Lucas Verzbickas, a freshman who led the 3,200 and 2 mile; and Marquise Goodwin in the long jump. Among the girls were Chelsey Sveinsson, a sophomore who led the nation in the 3,000 and 2 mile; Kori Carter who swept the 100 and 300 hurdles; and Ciarra Brewer, a sophomore in the triple jump. Two of last year's outstanding graduatesGerman Fernandez and Christine Babcockcontinued to perform at a national caliber level as college freshmen. Fernandez went to Oklahoma State and promptly became the NCAA Division 1 champion in the 1,500, running 3:39.

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To add to the problems, Ledliewas a known drinker and his officers and men frequently grumbled about it. None of this Meade took into consideration when he changed the plans. But as these plans were discussed, it is not widely believed that the black unitswere told of the change. Colonel H. Seymour Hall, 43rd U. S.
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'If you lose that there's nothing. You might as well be a traffic cone that everyone drives by. You have to say no. ' His preference is to answer questions with unlikely similes. For example, of the sense of loss he feels on finishing a novel, he says. 'It's like having a really beautiful aquarium and one day you have to put chlorax in it and kill it. It's really sad. ' But if no metaphor is to hand, he can sound rambling and abstruse. 'Everyone says, "Oh, you're in Canada you don't have massacres. " We've had quite a few massacres actually. Not that, like, for street cred you have to have massacres.
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Or see the examples for simplifying the activities below. Depending on time and how you want to use the activities, other materials and measuring devices can be used for different exercises, for example: For a smaller table top activity you can give target distances in centimetres and/or inches rather than feet and metres, and use a ruler of greater precision, and be prepared for some innuendo among certain groups. To simplify and speed up the activities, and to reduce preparations and measuring, have people guess weight/volume/height/distance/etc of a pre prepared example for each exercise, rather than have each person produce their own, for example: Team guessing enables additional exploration, for example linkage to ideas about the 'Wisdom of Crowds', and also benefits/disadvantages of working in isolation versus working in cooperation, especially where intuitive or subjective judgment is required. This is a simple exercise for groups between 8 and 30 people, and involves many different learning elements: understanding strategies, teamwork, presentations, argument, debate, analysis and group decision making. The activity is based on the funny one liner often attributed to comedian Stephen Wright, which is deeper than first seems: Nominate one team to be 'early bird' and the other team to be 'second mouse' or allow the group to decide this themselves, which can be an interesting mini exercise in its own right. Give the teams 5 10 minutes, each to develop a 60 second presentation or longer for bigger groups and more learning depth as to why their strategy 'early bird' or 'second mouse' is best for business or work or life, depending on your situation.