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I looked at my competitors and saw that the sites ranked on the first page for my niche hand painted wedding invitations all has around 300 700 words on their websites front page. When you naturally upload a photograph to your website it will have a weird name img 573574 or like this saying screen shot This is terrible for Google. Example: If I am writing a blogpost you will need to target a keyword every time you write a post about large custom made envelopes, I would name the below image Large custom made envelopes with deep purple and gold floral design for floral wedding stationery. Think of Google as a blind person, you have to tell him/her what the image is about. You must name the image but you need to choose the name carefully to fit the purpose of what you are using the image for. You must resize it so that is is around 200 400KB. 400KB is quite large, but if you can manage to resize your photos on photoshop for the web, that is the best option for you, it resizes your photos without loosing image quality. Heres a great article to help you understand why you need to optimise your images for the web and some tools to help you as well, see here. I chose the cheapest hosting plan and as a start up, I suppose it was ok, as I didnt have a blog, hardly any text and just a very bare portfolio. Yet, I was told later by a seo expert that Bluehost was too slow as a host and I needed to transfer my site to a faster host. Now I have transferred my sites hosting to a better company called Siteground.

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We don't always show off the "and Tire" portion of our name, L. A. Wheel and Tire, but it's a pretty important part of what we deal with every day. In a very real sense, all the wheels in the world couldn't do very much without tires or maybe tracked treads, but that's neither here nor there. Tire manufacturers are pretty smart people engineers, designers, and the like and they figured out that they could save a lot of people a lot of hassle by putting some information directly on the sidewall of every tire. In Tire Tech 101 the first of our series on tires we'll give a tour of some of the most important bits of information that you can find on your tires, and what it all means. If there's a "P" appended to the beginning of the information, this simply designates its a passenger car tire. If there's no "P" at the beginning, the tire is simply engineered to different standards. The standards are set by two organizations: the TandRA The Tire and Rim Association and the ETRTO European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization. The next number "235" in this case measures the tire section width, in millimeters: the distance from sidewall to sidewall. Each tire is measured to specific rim width, and because rim width is often measured in inches here in the U.
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The knowledge of forensic anthropologists can provide valuable and potentially revolutionary clues to law enforcement and the medical examiner or coroner, but it can also provide much needed answers for desperate loved ones of the decedent. The eureka moment when a forensic anthropologist figures out what happened to a victim at or around the time of death is a feeling that is hard to beat. All forensic anthropologists enjoy working with the human skeleton. A fascinating thing about anatomy is that although bones are basically the same from person to person, some bones have variations or unique features because of genetics or from things that have happened during a persons lifetime. If that was not the case, and all skeletons were exactly alike, forensic anthropologists couldnt do what they do. Fractures, genetic anomalies, and life history eventslike or weight liftingall of these things leave specific marks on the skeleton.
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Keep watching for fertilizer burn, and cut back your fertilizer until you reach the point where you can fertilize on your regular schedule and not cause any burn in your plants. Fertilization Recommendations for Trees and Shrubs in Home and Commercial Landscapes Page 2 diameter Figure 1. Trees can be fertilized anytime between fall and the middle of July. Nov 21, 2019 Outdoor cannabis plants are expected to grow tall and bigger, the plants may need more of nitrogen. Fertilizer spikes should be spaced spaced in a circle around the trunk of a tree or shrub . If you have an irrigation system, it is perfect for you. Fertilizing at this time provides woody plants with nutrients just as they put on their main flush of growth during spring. Double the quantity if branch spread is 3 or larger. Transplanting Bushes , Shrubs and Trees Got a bush or shrub to move ?Not sure if it can be done?Youve never transplanted a bush before!?Dont worry or fret. Posted By: TIMG 1818 Views fertilizing gardens, fertilizing organically, fertilizing tomatoes, fertilizing vegetable plants, how to fertilize plants, how to fertilize vegetables, organic fertilizers When and how you fertilize vegetable plants can make a huge difference in both the health of your plants, and the size of the harvest. A good maintenance program includes monitoring and controlling insect and disease problems, suppressing weed competition, and making timely applications of water, mulch, and fertilizer .
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Now you have your hexagram. Consult the books interpretation of that hexagram and the interpretations of each line in the hexagram, and think about how the images presented could be analogies of aspects of your personal situation: THINK!From the above, you have gained an interpretation of you now. What about the future?In the conceptions systematized as the I Ching, any solid line with numerical value 9, and any broken line with numerical value 6 were considered so charged that they could spontaneously change into their opposites: solid to broken, and broken to solid. Form a second hexagram from the first, by changing solid lines of value 9 into broken lines, and changing broken lines of value 6 into solid lines, and leaving lines of values 7 or 8 as they were. This second hexagram represents a future set of personal circumstances that is expected to evolve out of your present, particularly if you follow the recommendations described by the I Ching in its interpretations of each line in the hexagrams as well as the I Chings interpretation of the hexagrams as a whole. Again, the personal specifics come out of YOUR THINKING about how the poetic imagery by the I Ching would be analogous to your situation.