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MALAY NATH, M. A. , M. Phil. The Speech Act of Compliment Response as Realized by YemeniArabic SpeakersMasters DissertationUniversity of Kerala . Ameen Ali Mohammed Al GamalCHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH IN GRADES 11 AND 12 IN BANGLADESHI MADRASAHSMasters DissertationLondon Metropolitan University .

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Certified supplemental and extended days wereapproved for Kathy Buettner, K 4 SEO; Megan Ryan, school musicaldirector; and Cameron Reed, pep band, stage manager and musical manager. Substituteteachers Marjean, Warren, Mark Fuerst, Karen Hartman, Kristy Gallmeier,Kristina Pohlman, Kevin Fraley, Joyce Wiechart, Kaitlyn Klausing, AnnGrothaus, Mary Jo Krause, Jordan Shull, Lindsey Motycka, KierstenKirkendall, Casey Baldauf, Alayna Treadway and Carolyn Stant as well asall the substitutes on the Allen County list were approved. Substituteaide Phyllis Moreo; substitute food worker Patricia Schneider;substitute bus drivers Drew Wertenberger, Serena Lorencovic and MallorySherry; and athletic volunteers Kevin Lindeman and Nathan Howell Jr. ,junior high football, were also approved. Studentswill pay 25 cents more for lunch during the 2020 21 school year. Franklin students lunches will be $2. 75 and Jefferson Middle School andHigh School students lunches will be $3. Lunch prices were not raisedlast year and were raised 10 cents the prior year. Work at the busgarage continues. Lee Construction is installing steel siding andpainting the steel lintels and doors on the garage for $30,600. Thedistrict is also taking advantage of a rebates on LED lighting at thegarage and board member Jamey Wisher suggested the school finish out itsLED replacement program throughout the buildings.
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The department uses research not only to foster independence of thought but also as a means of teaching students to teach themselves. Although the emphasis is on educating students, projects explore current areas of research and are often supported by grants. Frequently, projects result in publications coauthored by students and faculty. Since the departments curriculum is regularly reviewed and approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society ACS, a student may select the specific set of courses that leads to an ACS certified major. Students also have the option of meeting the major requirements with courses that more closely reflect their particular interests and more optimally prepare them for certain advanced fields of study. Students who expect to attend a professional school after graduation medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and so on will find that the flexible chemistry major curriculum more than meets their needs. A chemistry major may also elect to complete a series of education courses to prepare for a career teaching chemistry at the high school level following graduation. Four additional semester credits at the 300 or 400 level higher than CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics. A suitable combination of CHEM 299 Independent Study, CHEM 480 Senior Research, CHEM 499 Independent Research, PHYS 201 Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, and off campus or summer research for a total of 400 laboratory contact hours beyond the introductory chemistry laboratory. Eight semester credits of chemistry courses at the 300 or 400 level, excluding CHEM 499. Students may use a maximum of 4 semester credits from the CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics and CHEM 320 Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry sequence and a maximum of 4 semester credits from the CHEM 330 Structural Biochemistry and CHEM 335 Metabolic Biochemistry sequence to meet minor requirements.