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34% No of cars in the house 1pc 2pcs 3pcs 4pcs 5pcs++ 26% 53% 20% 4% Maintenance costs High Higher than other Lower than other Higher but affordable Low 60% 20% Nil 20% Nil Protons Service Very good Average Less than average Very disappointed 6. 67% 20% 66. 66% 6. 67% Parts replacement Fully satisfied Average Less than average Disappointed 6. 67% 80% 6. 67% 6,67% Rate of consumption 40% 60% NIL High Average Low Protons offer and promotion 33% 53% 14% Yes No No idea Perdana v6 cars need to developed 6% 14% 60% Nil 40% Fuel efficiency engine Gear box issues Braking system Reason of buying proton car 20% 33% 7% NIL 40% Low price Pay by installment After sales service Attractive look convenienceComfort and convenience proton is 14% 86% NIL Very comfortable Average Not comfortable Interview Analysis: A further face to face interview was conducted by the members of our group. A strong sense of disappointment and despair was noticed while interviewing existing owners of Proton Perdana V6Focus group: Prospective consumers and car retailers in Bandar Puchong JayaOverall satisfaction derived from Proton Perdana V6 Recommendationsa Should provide with more models/version with enhance features and multiple options line depthb Improve interior designs and making interior parts more compact. c Improve gearbox technology or buy new gearbox systems from external suppliers whichever is cost effective on the long run. d Collaborations with International for Manufacturers for new technologye Proton should perform Q. C tests on all of their automobiles before launching in the market. This way they can reduce recall costs and after sales service related calls as they are providing free service for 4years.

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At that time USA Group sold its student loan assets to the Sallie Mae student loan company, transformed its corporate giving program into the main thrust of its existence, rebranded as Lumina, and began life again with nearly a billion dollars from the Sallie Mae sale. Blogger Badger Democracy reported last year that Lumina gives ALEC $300,000 a year and was a high level sponsor of the ALEC national conference in 2011. ACCJC currently has 25 percent of colleges in the California community college system under some form of sanction that could threaten their accreditation. Last year a report by the Treasury Department showed a clear correlation between cuts to community colleges and a rise in enrollment in for profit colleges like the University of Phoenix. Since its loss of accreditation in July, CCSF has seen its enrollment drop by 14. 9 percent, even though it still retains accreditation status through this academic school year. For profit colleges are several orders of magnitude more costly than credits obtained at Californias community colleges, which are often priced at under $50 per unit. Private for profit colleges are also notorious for saddling students with high levels of student loans to pay for their thousands of dollars in tuition fees, with a default rate of 25 percent. The CFT, at its convention in March, passed a resolution demanding that accreditation bodies divest from foundations that push a politically driven business model on academia, calling such a relationship a regulatory capture of a public mandated agency by corporate forces. This, the resolution observed, would reduce the influential accrediting agency to being nothing more than a willing pawn in a strategic business plan driven by corporate power on a national and global scale. Meanwhile, a participant in the ALEC/Lumina partnership is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, featured recently in The Chronicle of Higher Education, in an article highlighting the outsize influence the foundation has in changing the mission of higher education.
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Kids to play tag These physical education games for elementary focus on old favorites but each one has a new twist. peUpdate. Here Help employees deal with stressful work demands by organizing fun workplace games. Large Group Fitness Fun The purpose of this activity session for K 12 educators is to share various large group fitness circuits and activities that can be modified to any level and provide a challenging efficient and fun learning environment for all class sizes. Read more about us if you re interested This game is most fun when played with a large group. This game works best with a smaller group of people like 8 12 but if you have more just make more teams. Yes Jodi is one of those teachers who is making this happen. This activity is well suited to both middle and high school students. These group activities help Games that help create mutual respect and empathy in turn improve communication and teamwork which can determine the success of the team in achieving its goals. Handball skills and games can be played on an individual basis or in groups. Full instructions here.
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Elective credit for any research activities, whether performed on school time or on personal time, requires prior approval of the Year 4 Committee. Students seeking brief 2 4 week electives directly or indirectly related to research should apply in the usual fashion through the Year 4 Elective Committee. Students seeking greater time allotment for elective research should follow the guidelines outlined in this report. All projects should have both scientific and educational merit. Choosing a major research elective is a privilege and a challenge, and marginal students would be better served by focusing on electives more clearly germane to graduation. Therefore, research electives will be reviewed for approval on an individual basis by the Year 4 Committee based on the criteria outlined below.
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The public political processes in the mid 30s, also had influenced on radio. The Soviet regime used radio as speaking voice as a mean of propaganda either against class enemies or peoples enemies. The fear was both in society and in radio. The works of poets and writers, such as G. Javid, M. Mushfig, S. Huseyn, A. Javad, A. M. Sharifzadeh, U. Rajab did not exist in the radio.