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Engineer Laboy has a successful professional career as engineer and has also received three patents as inventor, from the USA Patent Office in Washington, D. C. Besides, In order that this information about the Great Pyramid, result of his personal crusade of 4 decades investigations and research studies and investigations, be recognized by scholars of different sciences, Laboy prepared three presentation videos, about 45 minutes each, and uploaded them in youtube. com where all interested; Egyptology scholars, Universities, journals, students, or the world Press, could view, download and review them as they wishes. They show the entire geometric procedure to design the dimensionless plan of the model pyramid, and an ample and detailed comparison, section by section, between his calculated dimensions, and those which have been measured at the Great Pyramid's structure. His two Report books, available for those interested, are described in this web site.

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Grayson College Course List
You can write a critical essay that agrees entirely with the reading. A critical essay or review begins with an analysis or exposition of the reading, article by article, book by book. While composing your article, the analysis should include a summary of the authors point of view, including a brief statement of the authors main idea, an outline of the important facts and lines of reasoning the author used to support the main idea, a summary of the authors explicit or implied values and a presentation of the authors conclusion or suggestions for action. After the analysis of the authors work, you have to also start evaluating of the authors work thoroughly. This would include an assessment of the facts presented on the basis of correctness, relevance, and whether or not pertinent facts were omitted; an evaluation or judgment of the logical consistency of the authors argument; an appraisal of the authors values in terms of how you feel or by an accepted standard. As you are writing your analysis, you have to also decide on your own position it may agree with one of the competing arguments. As there must be reasons for you critic the authors works, then you have to state explicitly your analysis by outlining the consistent facts and showing the relative insignificance of contrary facts. Coherently state your position by integrating your evaluations of the works you read. The composition of the article is informative; it emphasizes the literary work being studied rather than the feelings and opinions of the person writing about the literary work; in this kind of writing, all claims made about the work need to be backed up with evidence. Giving constructive opinions does not mean you have to attack the work or the author; it simply means you are thinking critically about it, exploring it and discussing your findings. In many cases, you are teaching your audience something new about the text.
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There is always some corruption is society because the cost of policing everything is too high, but many things considered routine, like the revolving door and Clinton accepting payments from foreign officials via the Clinton Foundation, while Secretary of State, would have been unacceptable 30 40 years ago. Social values are malleable and can change with surprising speed. The 1950s were followed by the 1960s. But cynics like you prefer to sit on your hand, snipe at people who demand better, and are therefore an active part of the problem. My comments were not directed at you personally, and I dont think youre in any way justified in assuming otherwise. Even at that would you say your conduct at McKinsey was typical of your colleagues or the financial services industry in general?The general tenor of NCs editorial position leads me to strongly suspect it was not. In any case I see no point in debating specific instances. Exceptions can be found to every rule. My argument is based on my reading which I assure is by no standard insubstantial of 4000 years of recorded history. If were going to debate the inherent goodness of humanity lets start there. Theres more than enough material to keep the discussion going beyond the endurance of any mortal.
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