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But when the state is lending money at zero percent and the banks are turning around and lending that money back to the state at three percent, how is that different from just handing rich people money?Those kinds of deals were the essence of the bailout and the vast mountains of near zero government cash turned companies facing bankruptcy into monstrous profit machines. In 2008 and 2009, while Christy Mack was busy getting her little TALF loans for $220 million, her husbands bank hauled in $2 trillion in emergency Fed loans. During the same period, Goldman borrowed nearly $800 billion. Shortly afterward, the two banks reported a combined annual profit of $14. 5 billion. As crazy as it is to lend to banks at near zero percent and borrow back from them at three percent, one could at least argue that the policy may have aided American companies by providing banks more cash to lend. But how do you explain the host of other bailout transactions now being examined by Congress?Like the Feds massive purchases of securities in foreign automakers, including BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Mitsubishi and Nissan?Or the nearly $5 billion in cheap credit the Fed extended to Toyota and Mitsubishi?Sure, those companies have factories and dealerships in the U. S. but does it really make sense to give them free cash at the same time taxpayers were being asked to bail out Chrysler and GM?Seems a little crazy to fund the competition of the very automakers youre trying to rescue. And then there are the bailout deals that make no sense at all. Republicans go mad over spending on health care and school for Mexican illegals.

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Ali Baba, he said, showing him the gold piece, you pretend to be poor and yet you measure gold. By this Ali Baba perceived that through his wifes folly Cassim and his wife knew their secret, so he confessed all and offered Cassim a share. That I expect, said Cassim; but I must know where to find the treasure, otherwise I will discover all, and you will lose all. Ali Baba, more out of kindness than fear, told him of the cave, and the very words to use. Cassim left Ali Baba, meaning to be beforehand with him and get the treasure for himself. He rose early next morning, and set out with ten mules loaded with great chests. He soon found the place, and the door in the rock. He said, Open, Sesame! and the door opened and shut behind him. He could have feasted his eyes all day on the treasures, but he now hastened to gather together as much of it as possible; but when he was ready to go he could not remember what to say for thinking of his great riches. Instead of Sesame, he said, Open, Barley! and the door remained fast. He named several different sorts of grain, all but the right one, and the door still stuck fast.
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One of them, an Apache Junction judge, was accused of ignoring state laws, and exceeded her authority when issuing orders of protection and injunctions against harassment. Her term in office expired prior to the sanc tion being imposed. Another judge in the Miami city court was accused in 1996 of unethical resolution of civil and criminal traffic tickets, and refusing criminal defendants the right to a lawyer. The judge routinely and improperly dismissed traffic tickets, and when investigators asked her why, she replied of the defendants, because they like me. The third judge with a lifetime judicial ban was accused of falsifying affidavits to make it look like there were no backlogs in her Globe Miami court in 2010. The fourth judge, who was 73 years old at the time, was allowed to retire as St. Johns municipal judge in 2007 to settle pending disciplinary proceedings alleging he failed to follow the law. He agreed not to serve as a judge again as part of an agreement. Other city judges have faced less serious discipline from the Supreme Court for misconduct. A Tucson judge was removed from the bench by the city council in 2010 for sexually harassing attorneys, and later was forced by the city to resign. He was subsequently censured, had his law license suspended for two years, and was prohibited from ever again serving as a judge by the supreme court.
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