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two Does the view winder has the capacity to flip in 3 various instructions so as to fit the distinct rotation requirements of diverse enjoy manufacturers?The a few different directions are: Clockwise mode, Coutner Clockwise mode, and Alternate Bi directional mode Bi directional mode turns clockwise and counter clockwise alternatively, as necessary by many observe brands this sort of as Rolex. three Does the observe winders have the "Adjustable" TPD purpose?TPD represents "Turns per Day", the numbers of turns the winder rotates in a day. Various manufacturers of automatic watches may possibly require different TPD to be completely wound up. The TPD is managed by the view winders' internal electronic programming. In common, the adjustable TPD ranges from 400 TPD to far more than 1000 TPD, with most automated watches requiring someplace in between 400 to 800 TPD. By having this Adjustable Turns per Day TPD function, a watch winder can accommodate a wider choice of automated watches, in particular the much more advanced complex watches that are becoming much more popular these days.

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It is just there. There are no bad emotions, just emotions. Anger, fear, sadness are all painful emotions, but they are not bad. Everyone has them, and they are just as valid as the happy emotions. At the same time, do not hang on to your emotion. Dont rehearse it over and over to yourself. Dont escalate it or make it bigger. Sometimes when we feel a very painful emotion, like anger or a deep grief, we hold on to it, or we intensify it, making it stronger and stronger, in our efforts to deal with it or to give it our full attention. Try not to do this. Just let it be however it is. This can result in a lessening of the pain.
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But Dann does not answer the question what exactly the push factor is or what it causes. The resulting approach of this work goes one step deeper, stating what is assumed to be the exact motive, creating a psychological escape, which can only be facilitated by creating a physical distance to the influences causing a temporary state of dissatisfaction and thus the urge to disconnect. Also the concepts Dann relates his factors to, ego enhancement and anomie, are included in the theory. A lack in social recognition would, according to the authors opinion, lead to the state of dissatisfaction, causing the individual to feel the urge to get away from this state of dissatisfaction. Moreover, despite social interaction being not as important within the approach as social recognition, it nevertheless is an essential element of the travel experience. A further theoretical approach to travel behaviour shows similarities to the findings of this work. According to Holden 2006, Simmel 1903 referred to tourism as a way for the individual to preserve his autonomy within the complexity and over stimulation Holden, 2006 of the urban environment society is increasingly facing since the industrial revolution. By freeing himself from his home environment and daily routine, the individual is offered time free from external control and pressure. Simmels observations and conclusions do fit the aspects emerged from the data, stating the importance of individualism and flexibility while travelling. Of course, there are more interesting theoretical approaches to the topic of travel motivation and related fields of research, but at this point the author believes to have illustrated the most important of them, and showed the relations to the theory which emerged during the analytical stage of this work. Summarizing, the theoretical approach to the field of travel motivation which emerged from the raw interview data seems to connect many apparently not related approaches to the topic, generating not only a rich description of travel behaviour and motivation, but creating a theory combining the most important elements of other theoretical schemes, but deeply grounded in the data.