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NHS Education for Scotland 3rd Annual conference, Aviemore. Lauder W and Roxburgh M 2006 Are there lessons to be learned by the demise of enrolled nurse training in the United Kingdom?. Nurse Education in Practice, 6 2, pp. 61 62. oxburgh M, Gall P and Lee K 2006 A cover up?Potential risks of wearing theatre clothing outside theatre. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 16 1, pp.
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The annual Muscatine High School Band fundraising nut sales getunderway today and many area residents will be scooping up theirshare. MHS director of bands, Jeff Heid, said the Koeze Nuts sale hasbecome a tradition in Muscatine and people tell him they stock upon the gourmet nuts and candies for holiday giving and personalconsumption. Heid favors the Koeze cashews among the many taste treatsavailable through the Koeze Co. of Grand Rapids, Mich. , which sellsthe gourmet quality nuts and candies to the School District forthe fundraiser. Virginia Cooper, Muskie Band Booster Board secretary, said theBoosters have been selling Koeze Nuts for almost 30 years, and itis the bands major fundraiser for the yearPeople can rest assured, all the profits go into the bandprogram, said Heid. Without the communitys support of thisimportant fundraiser, we wouldnt be able to have the quality ofprogram that we do. Koeze Nuts are also available online, said Heid, but buying fromthe band can be a money saver. The Band Boosters buy the productsdirectly from Koeze, said Heid, and offer items for the same priceor less than whats offered online. In addition, people who buyfrom the band students dont pay shipping and handling. Get to the MHS Band Web page by going to the Muscatine HighSchool Web site at then clicking on band under the school groups option.
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Obedience of orders from their superiors shall not exonerate those who carry them out from being held liable for them. Article 160. Persons wishing to have a career in the armed forces or police force shall not be discriminated against for admittance. The law shall stipulate the specific requirements for those cases where special skills, knowledge or capabilities are required. Members of the Armed Forces and the National Police Force shall be subject to specific laws governing their rights and obligations and subject to their system of advancement and promotions based on merit and gender equity criteria. Their job security and professional development shall be guaranteed.