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Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson upon majority vote of the Administrative Council, provided there is seven 7 days notice. C. A simple majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for regular meetings, special meetings and Administrative Council meetings. E. All official members have the privilege of the floor at regular, special and Administrative Council meetings; such privileges shall be exercised in a decorous manner. The Chairperson will extend this privilege to all special interest groups or individuals, if previously placed on the agenda. F. Whenever strict parliamentary procedure is necessary Robert's Rules of Order latest edition shall prevail, except when in conflict with this Constitution. G. All Assembly meetings will be open to all interested parties unless an executive session is announced by the Chairperson previously. This constitution may be attended, repealed or amended by a two thirds 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at a designated meeting of the Assembly.

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"That's what he tells a group of young poets assembled on a recent Thursday night in the cafe at the Schuler Books and Music store in Walker. Torreson reads a poem called "Traveling through the Dark" by William Stafford, about a driver who comes upon a dead, pregnant deer alongside the road. They talk about the poem, tough choices and stunning words. "I don't pick poems from books for children," Torreson says later. "They don't usually hold up. I use poems for adults. I want them to have a sense of what a real poem can be. "Patricia Schlutt, a 13 year old at Crossroads Middle School, has been meeting with one of Torreson's poetry groups every week since first grade. "If he hadn't helped me in first grade, there's no way I'd be writing poetry now," she says. "And now, poetry has become my life. " She's had about 20 poems published and has won several contests.
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If you have already purchased your OSHC, you can transfer to another OSHC insurer at any time. You are required to pay your OSHC in advance to get visa length cover for the entire period you are intending to study in Australia. In this case, you will receive a pro rata refund for the remaining cover you have. To obtain a refund you must provide proof to your previous insurer that you have a valid policy with a new OSHC insurer that overlaps the period covered by your previous OSHC insurer. Depending on the terms of your policy, you may incur a fee for cancelling your insurance. That sounds like a great topic for another Blog post Keep your eye out for that post!When transferring to a new OSHC insurers, any periods of membership served with one OSHC insurer will count toward waiting periods with your new OSHC insurer, providing there is no lapse in membership. If you would like to know more about switching your OSHC insurers and potentially how much you could get back in a refund, please visit our website oshcaustralia. com. au. Snake eyes is actually the preferred ly die match up with maybe, meant for gamblers particularly. Todays online casino guitar golfer may very well conceivably spot 40 meal table bets of $100 every one, as well as 800 kitchen table bets about $5, not to mention 4000 platform bets associated with $1.
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The VISIONS Lab originally was conceived as a means to solve a nagging problem in mathematics, specifically dealing with a particular calculus course. Calculus is a special challenge for the blind, as it is very difficult and sometimes not possible to interpret all of the mathematical information orally. What was needed at Purdue was a way for the blind students and faculty to quickly and easily interact with each other and communicate complex mathematical ideas. Since the two blind students at Purdue were different types of learners, one auditory and the other tactile oriented, a general strategy to service both was desperately needed. The solution to this problem, which was produced by the VISIONS Lab during its initial development stages, was to develop a software program that would translate mathematical and scientific equations into a format appropriate to blind students. The initial approach was to convert the equations into the standard Nemeth Braille code for mathematics; later, modifications were made to allow speech output of the equations this is still in development. The program is available on the VISIONS Lab homepage at and is freeware, together with a manual explaining its use. Also available is a tutorial manual to the Nemeth code, that follows most example equations in the Nemeth Braille Code for Science and Mathematics, 1972 rev. , and translates it into Braille using the program. The program was created as a giant macro for WordPerfect for Windows version 6. 0 or 6.
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Includes newspapers from the 18th century to the present. A membership fee is required for searching the complete archive. Online Books Serials Page FULL TEXTThis page lists freely accessible archives of serials such as magazines, journals, newspapers, and other periodicals. PubMED Central FULL TEXTThe U. S. National Institutes of Health NIH free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. Science. gov FULL TEXTProvides a gateway to information resources at U. S. government science agencies. Includes selected web sites and databases of technical reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and other published materials.