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By todays standards these medieval cities were neither clean nor particularly attractive. Many had monumental structures and beautiful artwork, but, except for the rulers and wealthy merchants, most of the population lived in poor quality housing. Streets were little more than footpaths; paving was not introduced until 1184 in Paris, 1235 in Florence, and 1300 in Lbeck, in what is now Germany. Unhygienic conditions undoubtedly contributed to a devastating epidemic called the plague, or the Black Death, which spread to Europe after afflicting cities in Asia and the Middle East. In the first three years of the epidemic in Europe, between 1348 and 1350, some cities lost at least half of their residents. The population of Siena, Italy, for instance, dropped from about 42,000 to 15,000. More than a third of the population of Europe was wiped out. Europe suffered additional outbreaks of plague in the 14th century but recovered slowly. In France new market oriented towns called bastides were established in attempts to generate revenue for the king and to resettle areas that had been depopulated by the plague. Economic progress continued in France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, and England, leading to the growth of industry, trade, and banking that is sometimes called the commercial revolution. This economic expansion continued through the Renaissance, a period characterized particularly by a flowering of the arts and sciences.

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5. than it is to accept the 'principle' that we are all morally guilty of sending Herndon to his dilemma. " Also of interest is a letter carbon copy dated 25 January 1973 from Reston to New York attorney Robert C. Rhodes. He writes, "I totally oppose amnesty boards of any kind as a matter of principle. I do not think there is anyone in this country, and least of all any official governmental body, who is in a position to judge the sincerity or moral motivation of any young American who has gone into exile during the Vietnam era.
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Learning and 3. Transitions. 2. The Learning priority will focus largely on Literacy and Numeracy and those main learning area concepts of 2020 required for students to further progress or catch up on in preparation for 2021. Our Learning area teams and teachers will put in place during this term and into 2021 provisions and opportunities to best support our students to regain any lost ground in their learning. Camps and Excursions1. Camps may operate once again with specific conditions and protocols in place. At this point we are unclear as to whether we can conduct camps, in particular the highly anticipated and popular annual Bike Tour. When we have greater clarity on this, we will inform you all. 2. Excursions will also need to adhere to specific conditions and protocols.
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We should examine legal, cultural and technical options that will preserve privacy without stifling beneficial data sharing capabilities. Now is an exciting time. Web developers, companies, governments and citizens should work together openly and cooperatively, as we have done thus far, to preserve the Webs fundamental principles, as well as those of the Internet, ensuring that the technological protocols and social conventions we set up respect basic human values. The goal of the Web is to serve humanity. We build it now so that those who come to it later will be able to create things that we cannot ourselves imagine. Clarification 2/17/11: This sentence as written creates the impression that the demonstration was linked to the Alzheimer's Initiative.
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This gesture is not restricted to the training room; you can put baskets of sweets all over the place. Even in the reception and the board room; and even in the finance director's office. You can ask the receptionist if she or he would be so kind as to make sure that the sweet basket is always filled to the brim at the company's cost of course, and to make sure she or he always invites every single visitor to dip their hand in and take a big handful for their kids. And you'll see how wonderfully well people react to being treated in this way. When you've firmly established the practice of having baskets of sweets everywhere, you can move on to fresh cut flowers. Next of course you'll need to appoint a flower monitor, which every right minded person will want to be, so you can have one per floor, or one per day of the week, or one per department, whatever. Before you decide to use any team building games with a group of people, think about whether the activities are appropriate for the team members and the situation. See the notes on checking that games or team activities are appropriate for your situation . Think beyond providing traditional work skills development. Explore everything, and show your people that you have a broader view about development they'll have lots of ideas of their own if you let them see it's okay to think that way. Team building games are just a part of a very wide mix of learning and and development experiences that you can explore and facilitate for your people try anything.