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In its present nominative form, we know that veritas is likely the subject of the phrase. Liberabit is a first conjugation verb in its third person singular future tense active indicative form. Recall that to form the future tense in the indicative mood, you take the stem of the verb libera, add the future tense indicator bi, and then add the person ending, in this case t. The result is a word that may be accurately translated as he/she/it will free. Vos is a personal pronoun in its plural accusative form. Latin students will recognize that Vos has the form tu in its singular nominative form and vos exactly the same form in its plural nominative form. Since vos is a second person personal pronoun, it may be accurately translated as you plural. Taken together, the entire phrase Veritas Vos Liberabit is translated as Truth Will Free You plural. Although John Hopkins University offers this phrase as its official translation, some people may be more familiar with another valid translation, The Truth Shall Set You Free. Here the definite article the is used to indicate that a specific truth, not just any, will set you free. In addition, the word shall is substituted for will.

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The Colosseum was used for gladiatorial combat until about 435 A. D. and wild animal hunts continued until the early 6th Century. Beyond the 6th Century the Roman Colosseum was abandoned until craftsmen were allowed to rent some of the spaces underneath and between the many arches. Around the beginning of the 13th Century the Italian Frangipani family took possession of the ancient Roman Colosseum and converted it into their personal castle/fort. In 1349 A. D. there was a massive earthquake that inflicted severe damage and most of the fallen masonry was used in the construction of other Roman buildings including the Vatican and the outer walls of Rome, and what hadn't quite fallen was helped on its way as stone robbers removed the marble facades, the exterior walls and even the bronze couplers that were used to join the marble facades to the perimeter walls. After some schemes that fell through by previous Popes a wool factory for Rome's prostitutes, and even a bull ring Pope Benedict XIV declared the site a place were Christians had been martyred even though there is no documentation of this and historians negate this supposition and thereby consecrated the building to the Passion of Christ and installed the Stations of the Cross. To this day on Easter Friday the Pope leads the Stations of the cross, and a meditation is read at each of the fourteen stages of Christ's passion situated around the Perimeter of the Roman Colosseum. Since the consecration by Pope Benedict XIV the Catholic Church have initiated many restoration projects and clean ups of the Roman Colosseum, including the stabilization of the perimeter walls, removal of vegetation, and the excavation of the tunnels and chambers of the arena structure the central area.